Construction generates billions of dollars in revenue every year, and government generates countless regulations and legislation that complicate the business of construction. The American Subcontractors Association (ASA) advocates for legislative reform. Legislators and decision makers at the federal, state and local levels hear ASA on issues that affect business conditions for all subcontractors and suppliers. For more than 40 years, ASA has improved business conditions for subcontractors and suppliers. Through advocacy work and other assistance to more than 400 companies, ASA serves as the voice of Texas subcontractors.
The Texas Construction Association (TCA) is the legislative arm of the ASA chapters in Texas, as well as 15 other statewide Texas specialty trade associations. All members of ASA chapters in Texas are members of TCA. In partnership with TCA, Texas ASA chapters ensure their members are up-to-date on all activity that could affect the construction industry and, specifically, subcontractors. Through TCA, ASA chapters in Texas work to get legislation passed to help subcontractors, and watch for legislation that could be harmful to either subcontractors or the construction industry as a whole.
ASA-San Antonio Chapter’s Government Advocacy Committee monitors issues and ensures that ASA members receive pertinent information on state and federal issues. The committee works to expand education, exposure and information about legislative issues, and keeps those issues on the minds of both members and congressmen.