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ASA San Antonio



ASA San Antonio has numerous committees that make a difference by helping us organize events and keep the organization on point. Committee participation is fun, rewarding and it provides valuable opportunities to work with peers who share the same goals and interests. 


Are you interested in joining a committee? Take a look at the options below and contact the appropriate committee chairman for more information.

Membership Committee

Join the ASA Welcome Wagon!  This committee is responsible for the membership - present & future!  Delivering goodies to new members, reaching out to current members, organizing fun mixers, recruiting potential members, these are just a few of the fun activities that this committee is in charge of.  PLUS - they plan the popular Thanksgiving Deliveries during the #Thankful4ASA week!

Committee Chair:  Nick Metcalf / Forbes, Hever & Wallace


Safety & Health Committee

Meets monthly to share tips, discuss trends, and learn about the latest OSHA regulations.  Responsible for exploring members’ safety needs and implementing a plan to meet those needs.

Committee Chair:  Mike Grendell / Mazzella


Sporting Clay Shoot Committee

Fire Away!  Join the committee to help us plan a great sporting clay shoot for our membership (you do not need to be a shooter to be on the committee).  

Committee Chair: Ted Dunnam / Dunnam Safety Management

Pour Off & Texas Hold 'Em Mixer

Our annual Pour-Off &Texas Hold 'Em mixer blends two great events into one fantastic membership mixer!   Poker, drinks, and the best networking in town - who could ask for more?
Committee Chair:
Michael Moore / Aprio

Golf Tournament

The ASA Golf Tournaments are never “par for the course!”  Join this committee to share your fresh ideas as well as “tried and true” practices to make our event THE Golf Tournament of the construction industry.  (You don't need to be a golfer to be on the committee)  
Committee Chair: Jan Meuth / You Name It Specialties

Subfest & BBQ Cook-Off

This is our biggest event of the year!  Delicious BBQ, tremendous raffles, fabulous entertainment & tons of fun!  Join the committee to help keep this event growing with new attendees, new ideas, and new excitement!   Committee Chair: Ted Dunnam / Dunnam Safety Management

Fishing Tournament

We are well-known for our outstanding fishing tournament!  The best part about this committee, is the event is out in the sun & surf!   Enjoy a weekend at the beach & help us make this tournament a success! 

Committee Chair: Greg Kanning / Dumas Hardware

Government Advocacy

This committee monitors local issues and ensures that our members get pertinent information on state and federal issues. The committee will work to educate our membership about legislative issues, as well as keeping the issues on the minds of our members and congressman. 

Committee Chair: Tom Freund / Comfort Air-Engineering

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